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This family-friendly coastal town has feel-good appeal
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卡尔斯巴德作为旅游热点的历史可以追溯到19世纪80年代, 当一个当地农民利用矿泉时,一个温泉小镇诞生了. 今天,多亏了主题公园、高尔夫球场、美丽的海滩等等Carlsbad has become a popular family destination in San Diego County.

Family-Friendly Carlsbad

Thirty-five miles north of downtown San Diego, 卡尔斯巴德提供家庭友好的冒险无处不在. The biggest presence, no doubt, is LEGOLAND California Resort, 哪一种能鼓励孩子们的想象力和互动游戏——尤其是2到12岁的孩子, 但对于那些喜欢那些标志性塑料砖的人来说. It features classic theme park rides, a sprawling Star Wars Miniland, a water park, an aquarium, and two themed hotels (the LEGOLAND Hotel and LEGOLAND Castle Hotel). Older kids, meanwhile, 可能会被附近的景点所吸引,比如Alga Norte社区公园(有一个可供滑板的灯光滑板公园)或 K1 Speed go-kart track. Come spring, the Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch 这是一个适合所有年龄的可爱的下午,有50英亩的彩色毛茛花.

Once here, 你可以在开车的时候休息一下,城市的全电动免费游客交通计划将把你从参与的住宿酒店接走,带你到该地区的顶级景点, such as LEGOLAND, the beach, and Carlsbad Village.

Surf and Skate Culture in Carlsbad

The city is known for its rich surf culture这项运动起源于20世纪60年代,当时这项运动开始在西海岸流行起来. It's the birthplace of the Morey Boogie Board, invented by Tom Morey in 1971, 是谁的创新方法让冲浪运动更容易进行. 这里也不乏著名的冲浪点:在目的地休息,比如 Tamarack and Terramar, Ponto Jetties and Carlsbad State Beach 吸引了经验丰富的冲浪者和新来者(当参观卡尔斯巴德州立海滩时), be sure to check out The Camp Store(这里是冲浪者的聚集地,你可以在这里吃点东西,看现场音乐). Early risers should check out First Light Surf Club这是一个专注于心理健康的组织,在早上的海浪中聚会. Local surf shops like Offshore Surf Shop, SurfboardBroker, and Witt’s Carlsbad Pipeline and schools such as SoCal Surf Lessons and Surfin Fire solidify Carlsbad's status as a surfer’s haven.

如果你更喜欢滑冰而不是冲浪,那么这里不仅是你的家乡,也是你的目的地 Tony Hawk and Shaun White, 卡尔斯巴德从这项运动的早期开始就是一个滑冰的温床, and many of the surf shops also cater to skaters. Perfect your half-pipe technique at Carlsbad Skate Park (great for beginners) or the previously mentioned Alga Norte Skate Park.

Spas, Golf, and Camping in Carlsbad

And what about those mineral springs? 那个农民发现碱性水的地方现在是 Omni La Costa Resort and Spa. 这座西班牙殖民风格的度假胜地占地400英亩,配有17个网球场, eight separate pools, a stunning spa, and two legendary golf courses. A few miles away, the Park Hyatt Aviara 有自己的高尔夫球场(由阿诺德·帕尔默设计),还有一个巨大的水疗中心,精致的餐厅和一个儿童俱乐部. For a back-to-nature getaway, stay at South Carlsbad State Beach Campgrounds隐藏在悬崖之间的海边露营地可以欣赏到大海和日落的景色.

Carlsbad Shopping and Dining

Also close to the water, Carlsbad Village 在几个可步行的街区内有超过100家独特的商店吗. 千万不要错过道富街,那里有很多时髦的精品店,比如 Humble Olive Oils 而时下流行的餐厅,就像当地的食材被烤得恰到好处一样 Campfire’s wood grill or the craft beers at Barrel Republic. 如果你想挥霍一下,并且可以提前预订,几个街区外就是 Jeune et Jolie在那里,四道菜的高级法国菜菜单为它赢得了令人垂涎的米其林一星.

Explore a Lagoon

A few miles down the coast, at Agua Hedionda Lagoon, another culinary (and educational) adventure awaits at Carlsbad Aquafarm. 南加州唯一一家养殖太平洋牡蛎和地中海贻贝的贝类养殖场, 这家有半个多世纪历史的公司现在提供了一种 Oyster Farm Tour, which includes a Farm Discovery Walk, 游客可以在这里了解贸易工具和可持续水产养殖技术, 然后是牡蛎剥壳课和丰盛的牡蛎品尝. (Read more about the aquafarm in this San Diego Magazine article.)在水族馆的另一端是阿瓜·赫迪昂达泻湖基金会 Discovery Center, 哪个地方欢迎游客——尤其是学龄儿童——来了解这个分水岭, conservation, and the local ecosystems. Through hands-on exhibits, gardens, and animal “ambassadors,大人和孩子都将对这片400英亩的水域的复杂性和美丽有第一手的了解, 这是南加州海岸线上受威胁的沿海湿地之一吗.

这个泻湖——许多当地人称之为卡尔斯巴德泻湖——也是水上活动的理想场所,比如 paddleboarding and kayaking.

Carlsbad Running Events

It’s not all relaxation, nature, 尽管如此,这座城市在认真的跑步者心中占有特殊的地位. The oceanfront Carlsbad 5000, held at the end of March, 是一项全天的活动,从蹒跚学步的孩子到奥运会选手都可以参加. January’s Carlsbad Marathon and Half-Marathon 也同样受欢迎,这要归功于微风习习的球场和海景.

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