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10 Only-in-California Dining Experiences

10 Only-in-California Dining Experiences

Posted 6 years agoby Jessica Sebor

加州丰富的农产品与创新的厨师相结合,永远是美味佳肴的配方. 但该州也提供了一些从基本早餐中获取食物的机会, lunch, and dinner to full-blown experiences you will never forget. Historic and highbrow, quirky and cool, weird and wonderful以下10种独特的体验(从南到北列出)适合每个人。.

Albert’s, San Diego

这里有来自世界各地的4000多种动物 San Diego Zoo 这个城市最受欢迎的景点之一——它的招牌餐厅本身就值得一游吗. 坐落在树梢上的Albert 's餐厅远远超出了标准的薯条和冰淇淋. Make sure you nab a seat on the terrace for maximum jungle vibes; the private waterfall and verdant fauna create a lovely backdrop for Albert’s weekend brunch. 还有什么比法式烤面包和无底洞含羞草更好的城市旅行燃料呢?

Dine in a Wine Cave 75 Feet Underground
The Cave at Oak Mountain Winery, Temecula

你知道世界上第一个葡萄酒窖是19世纪60年代在加州建成的吗? 150多年后,该州拥有数十座地下建筑and Oak Mountain Winery is one of the best. 它的餐厅就叫The Cave,每天上午11点开始营业.m. to 5 p.m. Savor whites, reds, blushes and bubbles as you enjoy the charcuterie tray, served with housemade blackberry jam. At 75 feet underground, The Cave provides not only an alluring interior, but a blessedly temperate one too, especially when summer temperatures spike.

Rethink the Meaning of “Restaurant” Over a 15-Course Meal
Playground 2.0, Santa Ana

游乐场创始人兼主厨杰森·奎因(Jason Quinn)有一条用餐准则:“你必须服从bbin游戏官网的心血来潮.不过别担心,在这家餐厅的烹饪剧院衍生品“游乐场2”(Playground 2)用餐.不需要蒙上眼睛,甚至不需要预先确定的安全词. Instead, 你将享受到一场开箱外的烹饪体验,有15道以上的美味佳肴. Every omasake-style meal is different, 但bbin游戏官网喜欢反复出现的“信任晚餐”,厨师们在那里疯狂地使用和牛等食材, baby peaches, and foie gras.

Enjoy an Elevated Meal in the Clouds
71Above, Los Angeles

世界上有一个地方,你可以同时在两种不同的星星之间用餐. Opened in the summer of 2016, 上面是密西西比河以西最高的建筑物的顶部,正好位于L市中心.A. 把你的相机调到全景模式,因为360度的视野简直令人惊叹. 食物不辜负餐厅的崇高承诺,一个令人难以置信的精致三道菜的晚餐菜单. 将你的餐点与Echo Park等社区风格的鸡尾酒搭配, made with mezcal, pisco, aloe, cinnamon, and lime.

Shuck Oysters With Your Toes in the Sand
The Jolly Oyster, Ventura

Oyster lovers, this one’s for you. 有没有梦想过一边看潮水滚滚而来,一边剥自己的熊掌? The Jolly Oyster brings your briny fantasy to life. Reserve a picnic table at Ventura State Beach, pack a cooler full of your favorite beverages and snacks, 在这个贝类养殖场的两辆海滨食品车前排队. 准备好的海鲜可以在快乐牡蛎厨房购买,而 The Shuck Shack serves up raw shellfish at a discount for you to DIY. Booze and dogs (on leash) are welcome; open Saturdays and Sundays only from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Enjoy High Tea in the Former Home of a Nobel Laureate
The Steinbeck House, Salinas

1902年2月27日,在萨利纳斯,奥利弗·汉密尔顿生下了一个改变世界的儿子. 约翰·斯坦贝克创作了令人难以置信的27本书,其中许多书的灵感都来自他的家乡: The Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden, and Of Mice and Men to name a few. 如今,斯坦贝克的故居已经被改造成了一家餐厅. 为了纪念作者,你可以去吃午餐,或者在周六的茶点上预约一个位置,在那里,穿着古装的志愿者会提供手指三明治和新鲜出炉的烤饼.

Enjoy an Opulent Dinner in a Moving Train
Napa Valley Wine Train, Napa

在历史悠久的火车车厢上享用一顿多道菜的大餐,唤醒你内心深处的20世纪贵族(可选配单片眼镜). 你可以选择一些冒险活动,但bbin游戏官网推荐三小时的“Vista Dome”晚餐. 高架列车二层的私人包厢提供了纯粹的奢华, while the curved glass windows, 形成一个圆顶的顶部,让纳帕谷的景色无与伦比. 坐在天鹅绒椅子上啜饮欢迎香槟,旁边的厨师为您准备平底锅烤太平洋大比目鱼配白松露豌豆泥.

Dig Into Seasonal Salads Where Miners Struck Gold
The Argonaut, Coloma

詹姆斯·马歇尔在美国河的一小段河段里发现了一些闪闪发光的东西, the little town of Coloma went wild, setting the country ablaze with Gold Rush fever. Tucked against Marshall Gold Discovery State Park《bbin游戏官网》以一种独特的新加州风格向这个时代致敬. Located inside a historic building, 这家餐厅的水果和蔬菜都来自西部最古老的先驱农场之一. 在河里碰碰运气之前,先尝尝当季的黑莓奶昔和牛油果吐司(一锅7美元)。.

Feast in a Family-Owned Farmhouse
Campovida, Hopland

Campovida, which translates to “field of life,在客人进入庄园的迷人车道之前,就设定了很高的期望, hugged on either side by stretching oaks. The family-owned farm more than lives up to its name with twisting gardens, 物产丰富(这里有500多种植物), working honey bees, egg-laying chickens and trellised grapes. During regular winemaker dinners, 游客们可以在自家农舍的椽子下或晴朗的夜空下,享用一顿由直接从土壤中采摘的食材和自家酿造的葡萄酒精心制作的美食.

Cruise Alongside Caverns
Lake Shasta Dinner Cruises, Lakehead

Thanks to emerald-blue waters surrounded by a national forest, Shasta is the perfect place to embrace lake life. 沙斯塔湖晚餐游轮为游客提供套餐,让他们体验该地区最神奇的景点之一——洞穴,然后在水面上放松地吃晚餐. 当天空从蓝色变成粉红色时,你可以欣赏到沙斯塔山和它的标志性桥梁的景色,享受令人震惊的美味三尖菜(或鸡肉或鲑鱼). 机上提供无酒精饮料,或者您可以带一瓶葡萄酒.

Looking for even more California dining experiences? Check out these Five California Chef’s Tables Experiences and our Kid Foodie Guide to California.

California Winery

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